2018: Computing Innovation for Technology Entrepreneurship

2018: Computing Innovation for Technology Entrepreneurship

2018: Computing Innovation for Technology Entrepreneurship Project promoter: Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti Projec Code: 18-COP-0012 Partner: Østfold University College, Norway The project aims to enhance the quality of training for the students from the...
2018: Mobility projects in HE – Univ. Transilvania BV

2018: Mobility projects in HE – Univ. Transilvania BV

2018: Mobility projects in HE – Univ. Transilvania BV Project promoter: Universitatea Transilvania Brașov Project Code: 18-MOB-0042 The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and competences of students and staff in Higher Education, through enhancing...
2018: Classroom Laboratory

2018: Classroom Laboratory

2018: Classroom Laboratory Project Promoter: Universitatea de Vest TimișoaraProject Code: 18-COP-0016Partner in the Project: Norges Teknisk- Naturvitenskapelige Universitet ClassroomLab course is a classroom where selected courses are taught, a technology-dense...
2018: Cooperation and partnership strategy – Green Chemistry

2018: Cooperation and partnership strategy – Green Chemistry

2018: Cooperation and partnership strategy – Green Chemistry Project promoter: University of Bucharest (UB) Codul proiectului: 18-COP-0041 Parteneri: University of Bucharest (UB)Norwegian Technique and Science University (NTNU) Full Title: Cooperation and...