2018: The Teacher as a Change Agent – CJRAE Vaslui

Project Promoter: CJRAE Vaslui

Project number: 2018-EY-PMIP – 0015

General objective: To develop the professional skills of the teaching staff, once with the harmonization of the curriculum, in order to adapt the educational offer to the psycho-individual peculiarities of the children with special needs.

Specific objectives:

O1. Diversification of methods in the educational approach of children with special needs to increase their level of psycho-educational functioning;

O2. Facilitating access to continuing training and programs aimed at the use of assistive technologies and non-formal education strategies.

O3. Curriculum approach from the individualized perspective of the needs of children / pupils with special needs in order to achieve a program that meets their interests and needs

The Norwegian partner, Newschool is an educational design agency specializing in creating tools that facilitate learning experiences appropriate to the actual needs. The Agency focuses on innovation in education technology and is a member of the Nordic Center for Social Innovation.

Impact: The participating teachers have acquired during the dissemination actions and workshops carried out during the project, modern teaching-learning – evaluation methods that can be applied in the work with the CES.

Main results: A brochure with structured exercises with newly learned methods and at least five activities with teachers, parents and students. Topics such as: facilitation; developing a curriculum specific to the 21st century; problem-based learning; storytelling/narrative exposure scenario; ability to take initiative, analyze and evaluate; collaborative learning; learning from mistakes; providing and receiving feedback; a project presentation panel at the institution level, 2 articles in the press, postings on the Center’s website.

Figures: 125 teachers participating in 3 dissemination activities (63 school counselors), 20 teachers participating in 1 workshop; 35 parents participating in 2 workshops; 28 students attending 2 workshops.
