2018: Social Inclusion Through Inclusive Education (So In Edu Project)

Project Promoter: CCD Iași

Project Code: 2018-EY-PMIP-R2-0004

Partners: Intercultural Iceland & Newschool AS

The goal of our project is to support the acquisition and development of modern and effective strategies for teachers in Iasi County, needed in order to make the teaching process more effective and to facilitate the acquisition and development of key competences for school students, thus enabling their better social inclusion at both national and European level.

In order to achieve the goal of the project we think that the following objectives must be met:

  1. Acquiring and developing competencies regarding the efficiency of the process of social inclusion of students, for a number of 10 trainers of CCD Iasi
  2. Elaboration of 5 approved training programmes on the process of social inclusion of students
  3. Facilitating the acquisition and development of competences in a number of 250 teachers from Iasi County, in order to make the key competency acquisition process more effective for the students in their school, by organizing and carrying out the 5 approved courses at CCD Iasi
  4. Developing a training course for teachers on Social Inclusion and gaining the accreditation for this course, by MEN
  5. Training 500 teachers from Iasi County by attending the accredited course

The target group directly targets 10 trainers of CCD Iasi to be trained in the two training courses, and 250 teachers belonging to all school communities in the County, focusing on communities with a high rate of school absenteeism, dropout and social exclusion. These 250 teachers from Iasi County will be trained and become skilled in applying and developing educational methods and strategies on social inclusion of students and young people. The benefits of this project will be reflected on a uniform and consistent approach to teacher training on the phenomenon of absenteeism, school dropout, discrimination and exclusion, an approach that will support and make more effective the complex process of social inclusion of students in the county.

