2018: A Chance to Change

Project Promoter: Gorj County School Inspectorate

Project Code: 2018-EY-PICR-R1-0010

The project “A Chance for Change”, coordinated by Gorj County School Inspectorate, aims at increasing the institutional capacity of five partner schools to ensure effective inclusion of Roma children. The Secondary School in Tinţăreni, the Secondary School No. 1 in Peşteana-Jiu,  „Ecaterina Teodoroiu” and  „Litovoi Voievod” Secondary Schools in Targu Jiu, and the Secondary School in Budieni are the partner schools selected from socio-economically disadvantaged communities with a mix of Roma and non-roma pupils. The schools are located in poor areas of the city and villages.

The project assures the construction of four courses for teachers who innovate and improve the curriculum with elements of democracy and education for active citizenship, children’s’ rights, tolerance, fight against discrimination, inclusive school and teaching in a multicultural environment, and student centered teaching which develops social, civic competences and integration in a democratic society, as well.

Within the project, five curricula for primary and secondary level: Soft Light of the Book, Mathematics of Our Lives, Art and Skills, Small European Citizen, The Child and His/her Rights are elaborated for the partner schools. By using the curricula, a new chance will be given to the students to develop new inclusion abilities and competences and develop their personality and self-esteem.

For the Roma and non-Roma pupils involved in the project, the school competition and the trip assure equal chances to education and develop their competitive spirit by stimulating ecological attitudes, conservation abilities, development of a friendship relationship which all raise the cohesion factor in the group.

At the end of the project the following results are expected:

  • 65 teachers are trained on student-centered teaching approaches, inclusive school and teaching in a multicultural environment, on democracy and education for active citizenship, on human/ child rights, tolerance and anti-discrimination;
  • 5 training courses (optional curricula) are elaborated to support teachers in organising extracurricular activities for pupils and parents in partner schools: Soft Light of the Book, Mathematics of our lives, Art and Skills, Small European Citizen, The child and his/her rights;
  • 200 pupils are involved in extra-curricular activities in Mathematics, Romanian, Intercultural and entrepreneurial activities, Student rights activities, Ecological education, Civic education and democracy;
  • 70 parents are involved in the Art and Skills Workshops, to combat discrimination and to support students in participating in the education system.
