2019: Euro tourism, Resources for VET School
Project Promoter: Colegiul Economic ”Virgil Madgearu”, Ploiesti
Project Code: 2019-EY-PCVET-0002
Partners: Escola Profissional do Montijo Rua Jose de Almada Negreiros, 217, Portugal; Cofetăria Andrei Ploiești
The project “Euro tourism, Resources for VET School” has taken shape from the need for a better educational quality for VET students. Through the project, the team wishes to concretize a performant curriculum, adequate for the practice stages necessary for the students majoring as Waiter and Confectioner/Baker, 11th grade, VET school.
The project objectives are:
- Improved quality in professional education in VET 11th-graders majoring in Tourism and Catering, specializing as Confectioner/baker and Waiter.
- Promoting multilingualism and professional development of teachers through their participation.
- Improving cooperation between school and the job market
- Promoting the modernization of educational systems. During the study visit to Montijo, Portugal, 11 people took part in the mobility.
Project activities:
- Establishing the project organization/implementation team
- Communication/ Promoting the project and its objectives
- The selection of the participants in the study visit
- Completing the language preparation course in English
- The study visit to Montijo, Portugal.
- Project website/platform design activities.
- Design activities for the: local-decision curricula, practice workbooks, the ECVET practice convention, organizing and evaluation of the students’ contest.
- Project promotion and dissemination activities, study visit, project results.
- Activities for the equation of the 10 ECTS.
- Writing the intermediate report.
- Writing the final report.
- Specific activities completed by the treasurer.
- Informative/promotional and project dissemination activities, and of its results: intangible (skills, abilities, professional and English language communicative competences acquired by the project participating teachers); tangible (signed contracts between the foreign partner and the partner economic agent, a local-decision curriculum and a practice workbook, VET school, an ECVET practice convention, the project website/platform).