2019: A chance for the future!

Project Promoter: ISJ Gorj
Project Code: 2019-EY-PICR-0002

The project “A Chance for Change” aiming at increasing the institutional capacity of schools to ensure effective inclusion of Roma children will be implemented over a period of 12 months in 5 partner schools, coordinated by ISJ Gorj.

  • 65 teachers work and acquire training curricula on M1-Student-centered teaching modules; M2 – inclusive school and teaching in a multicultural environment; M3 -Democracy and education for active courage; M4 – Human / child rights, tolerance, anti-discrimination;
  • realization of 5 training course holders provides teachers with training courses for pupils and parents in promoting extracurricular activities: Gentle light of the book – optional LRO Primary and Secondary, Mathematics of our lives, Art and Skills, Small European Citizen, The child and his rights.
  • 200 pupils are involved in complementary activities in mathematics, Romanian, intercultural activities, entrepreneurial activities, student rights activities, extracurricular competition, ecological education, civic education and democracy.

The Optional Curriculum Promoted through the Soft Light of the Book – Optional Primary and Secondary LRO, The Mathematics of our Life, Art and Skills, The Little European Citizen, The Child and its rights are redeemed by developing the course holders by the teachers participating in the training and implementation with students in school.

  • 70 parents participate in Art and Skills Workshops, to combat discrimination and to support students in participating in the education system.
  • 200 pupils, parents, teachers participate in the school trip Intercultural journey – school trip Tg-Jiu – Horezu – Ramnicu Valcea to discover and learn more on this activity providing new information on history, democracy, law, intercultural education, entrepreneurial education, etc.

The project improves the outcomes of 200 pupils in learning through extracurricular and extracurricular activities conducted jointly with teachers and teachers on diverse themes of general culture, specialist culture, democracy-based education, equal opportunities, respect for children’s and human rights.

  • 20 pupils with ESCs benefit from educational assistance, access to inclusive education and adaptation to school life through Individualized Education Plans – PEIs that ensure their integration into the class of students.
  • Students’ progress, statistics with grades, the benefits and benefits of educating pupils and parents together by teachers will be recorded.
  • The project will aim to bring about changes in pupils ‘and parents’ behavior regarding personality development, socialization, integration, culture acquired through the development proposed activities.
