2018: ThE SchoolS neEd ageNts of ChangE! (ESSENCE)

Project promoter: Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Iași

Project Code: 2018-EY-PMIP-R2-0014

THE AIM: to build in the schools from Iasi county teams that collaborate and learn together in order to improve the quality of education.

THE GENERAL OBJECTIVE: to help schools inspire students to take charge of their own future in the framework of a transformative education -based on risk-taking, creativity and engagement, with the tools and the passion of 4 school inspectors trained in a high quality educational system from Norway.


*tangibile: one “change team” made up by 4 school inspectors with competences needed to sustain new change teams in the schools from Iasi a collection of innovative practices in their own institutions and schools from region, a collection of modern techniques for inspiration, facilitation, and curriculum design, 4 recognition certificates – Europass documents, 4 individual reports, 1 final report.

*intangible: experiential ways of learning, more creativity, awareness about innovation and risk in education, a favourable opinion at regional and national level about the concern and support activities carried out by ISJ Iasi for the schools from region, synergy in the schools from the county, increasing the interest for the EEA grants program, improving the language skills, multicultural awareness.

THE IMPACT of the project will be visible on many levels: participants, institutions -from Romania and Norway- and community. These 4 school inspectors who will become resource persons will develop in at least 30 schools teams of changes, ensuring the long-lasting effects and potential longer term benefits, the sustainability of the project.

Project webpage