2018: Local Development Curriculum Adapted to the European Context
Project Promoter: Colegiul Economic “Virgil Madgearu” din Ploiești
Project Code: 2018-EY-PCVET-R2-0003
The project Local Development Curriculum Adapted to the European Context, coordinated by the ”Virgil Madgearu” Economic College in Ploiești, sets the goal to create a local development curriculum for the 11th grade, for each of the following domains: Economy, Trade, Tourism and Nutrition. The curriculum is necessary since the educational plans for the 11th grade have changed.
- Improvement of the high-quality professional formation of students from the 11th grades, in domains such as Economy, Trade, Tourism and Nutrition.
- Promoting multilingualism and professional development of the teachers/educational staff. 3.Promoting the modernization of the education and professional forming systems. Within the study visit in Oslo, Norway, 12 teachers from the specialty, an English teacher and a representative of the partner economic agent, Mika Travel.
Project activities:
- Setting, by decision, of the organization team. All these persons will have the project promotion and disseminations attributes.
- The selection of persons taking part in the study visit, based on some non-discriminatory criteria.
- The linguistic preparation (in English).
- The study visit in Oslo, Norway.
- Activities of Local decision curriculum and activities for the Compendium activities with working tools for students.
- Activities of certification for the teachers.
- Activities of project promotion, dissemination, monitorization.
Results – knowledge, skills, abilities, competences; the CDL for each domain, Economy, Trade, Tourism and Nutrition, a Compendium; 12 teachers part in the study visit; 10 transfer credits for the teachers.
The impact of the project will be both on the level of the persons directly involved in the project, and with the students, at the one of the other teachers in the school and in other schools of the same profile that will participate in dissemination activities and will be able to use the materials created within the project.