The Closing Conference of the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship, and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP) 2014–2021, organized by the National Agency for Community Programs in the Field of Education and Vocational Training (ANPCDEFP) as the Programme Operator, Bucharest, October 17, 2024 – “SEE & Cha(lle)nge”.

At the opening of the event, Kerstin Agneta Wahlberg, EEA and Norwegian Grants Advisor from the Norwegian Embassy in Romania, Marion Kindle-Kühnis, Head of the EEA Grants from the Agency for International Educational Affairs (Liechtenstein) and Monica Calota, ESAYEP Coordinator, addressed the participants. Their interventions illustrated the importance of the education program financed by the EEA Grants, its structure, its results and the lessons learned during the years of its implementation.

In the second session of the event, five good practice projects (each illustrated by a short presentation film available on the eea4edu Romania YouTube channel) were presented by the managers and their partners from the Donor States or from Romania. They highlighted the collaboration, as well as the added value brought to the project as a result of the partnership established.

 The parallel workshops held for each component of the program: university, pre-university, professional & technical education and inclusion of Roma children in school, brought together implementers of the selected projects who presented the elements of success achieved and the lessons learned during the projects.

QR-ART, the exhibition of QRs of the selected projects, elaborated with the support of the Artificial Intelligence, as well, was displayed in the conference room and facilitated the participants access to the websites of the projects promoted in the Closing Conference.

 The event ended with the presentation of the new perspectives of the European Educational Area, elaborated by Augustin Mihalache, deputy director of the ANPCDEFP.

 “I was particularly happy because the ESAYEP Final Conference gave me the opportunity to discover new people and collaborators in the idea of ​​continuing the ideas undertaken within the project EMERALD (21-COP-0019)! The event contributed, as well, to strengthening our relations with the Norwegian partner who wants to find ways to continue our collaboration in the future as we had the opportunity to discuss in detail in Bucharest, in this direction, these days!” participant in the Closing Conference.