Two new Calls for Proposals

Two new Calls for Proposals

On the 6th of December were published two new Calls for project proposals, one for VET and one for the Roma Component. For VET, these are the following types of projects that are going to be financed: – Partnership cooperation and mobility projects in the VET field...
3 mai – termen limită

3 mai – termen limită

This is to remind you that there is a deadline on the 3rd of May 2019! If you want to send a project proposal in the fields of School education and Vocational education and training, or a project addressing a better integration of Roma children in school, please keep...
New calls for project proposals

New calls for project proposals

3 new calls for proposals that are going to be financed within The Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP), 2014-2021 were opened on the 27 of December 2018. The 3 new calls address school education, vocational education...
Calls … in numbers

Calls … in numbers

2nd Round, 2018 The infographic presents the number of applications (white) and of financed projects (green) for all the domains addressed by the ESAYE Programme, 2014-2021. (The data are valid for the second call in 2018 and were published on the 15th of October...
Synergies between EEA Grants and ERASMUS+ in VET

Synergies between EEA Grants and ERASMUS+ in VET

19 – 21 September 2018 – the contact seminar  „Synergies between EEA Grants and ERASMUS+ in VET“ took place in Bucharest – an event attended by representatives from the VET sector in Romania and Norway. By organising the seminar, the OP (Romanian Erasmus+ Agency)...
VET – Extended deadline

VET – Extended deadline

The deadline for submission of VET projects funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, was extended until 8 June 2018. In addition, the sections regarding partner search on the pages addressing the areas of higher education, VET, and school education  were...